Status : Verified
Personal Name | Garcia, Shekinah D. |
Resource Title | Process Optimization of Cabinet Dried Osmotically Dehydrated Mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Pico) Slices Using Response Surface Methodology |
Date Issued | 20 June 2019 |
Abstract | This study was aimed at optimizing the process parameters, in terms of temperature and loading capacity, of cabinet dried osmotically dehydrated mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Pico) slices using the response surface methodology. Specifically, the study evaluated the effects of the process parameters on the quality of the cabinet dried osmotically dehydrated Pico mango slices. Establishment and validation of the optimized parameters were also done. The effects of the process parameters (temperature and loading capacity) on the quality of the cabinet dried osmotically dehydrated Pico mango slices in terms of drying time (min), moisture content (% dry basis), water activity, colorimetric values (L*, a*, and b*) and sensory characteristics (appearance acceptability, color acceptability, aroma acceptability, texture acceptability, flavor acceptability, and overall acceptability) were predicted through the use of the generated statistical models. All of the models generated were considered to be significant (p<0.05) except for those generated for the colorimetric values a* and b*. The optimum values of the process parameters that resulted in a desirability of 0.723 of the cabinet dried osmotically dehydrated ‘Pico’ mangoes obtained a temperature of 61.96 °C (approximately 62 °C) and a loading capacity of 0.36 g/cm2. Validation of the established optimum cabinet drying process parameters in terms of temperature and loading capacity showed that some of the actual values for the optimum and non-optimum runs were outside their respective % confidence intervals and %prediction intervals. This may imply that the model generated in this study lack accuracy when extrapolating values outside the limits for the independent variables (Bas and Boyaci, 2006). Nonetheless, for the optimum run, though the actual moisture content was outside the prediction interval, it was still under the specified standards for the moisture content of dried mangoes (DA-BAFPS, 2007). |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Science in Food Technology |
Language | English |
Keyword | Cabinet Drying; Mango; Osmotic Dehydration; Response Surface Methodology; Mango--Philippines; Mango--Drying--Philippines |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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