Status : Verified
Personal Name Catolico, Ignacio Luigi C.
Resource Title Assessment of Food Waste Management Techniques of Food-Service Establishments in the University of the Philippines Diliman; Current Techniques and Possible Options
Date Issued 03 January 2020
Abstract The increasing amount of food waste has detrimental effects to the environment
and the economy. Various food waste management techniques aim to reduce the amount
of food waste and mitigate its adverse effects. College and university campuses are good
sites to study food waste management as they are in the proximity of researchers and they
generate their own food waste profiles. This study aimed to assess the food waste
management techniques of food-service establishments in the University of the Philippines
Diliman. Recommendations for appropriate food waste management techniques were then
formulated from the data obtained.
A food waste audit was done in three food-service establishments in the campus.
Food waste was classified into kitchen waste and plate waste; plate wastes were further
categorized into avoidable and unavoidable. The amount of each type of food waste
generated in the sites were measured. The amount of food waste diverted for other uses
were also measured. Interviews with the establishments regarding their food waste
management were conducted. Interviews were also done with waste management
departments that have jurisdiction over the campus.
For all three establishments, kitchen wastes were the most generated type of food waste, with avoidable plate wastes in second, and unavoidable plate wastes as the least
generated. It was found, however, that all kitchen wastes were unavoidable kitchen wastes
(e.g. peels, bones, stems). This is due to safe and effective practices employed by the
establishments with regards to handling and storage of food. It was also found that of the
total 247.9kg of food waste generated during the audit, only 23.8 kg are diverted as animal
feed, with the rest of the wastes collected by the local government’s trucks for landfilling.
Through the interviews, it was found that possible methods for food waste management
include food banks, utilization of food waste as animal feed, anaerobic digestion, and
Degree Course BS Food Technology
Language Filipino; English
Keyword food waste management; Food waste--Philippines; food establishments; food; Refuse and refuse disposal--Philippines; Food service--Philippines
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
145.87 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access